Monday, December 24, 2018

Nara C- Asian Model

Joy Organics - Pharmaceutical Grade Hemp CBD Oil

Nara C

Nara C 

Model: Nara C; Photographer: Midwest Ethnic Models
Where are you from? Where are you based now and do you travel for shoots?
I’m originally from Thailand. I currently live in Seattle and I normally don’t travel for shoots. There are times when photographers will pay for my flight and hotel but other than that, I stay local.
Who or what inspired you to become a model?
I saw photos of other models and it looked really fun so I wanted to give it a shot. After the first couple of shoots I really enjoyed seeing the creativity of photographers and their different styles. Every photographer is different and it shows in the different shoots that I do.

Model: Nara C; Photographer: brandon-alexander
How and when you start modeling?
I started modeling seriously back in January of this year. I found a photographer on Craigslist… I know it’s not very safe but I didn’t know any better back then. My friends were calling me every 30 minutes because they were in fear of my safety! Luckily for me, he was a legit photographer. He told me about Model Mayhem and so I registered for an account and learned how to screen photographers.
What type of modeling do you enjoy the most?
Boudoir shoots would have to be my favorite. Being in lingerie and high heels with glamorous makeup makes me feel so sexy! Especially when the photographer can make it look classy.

Model: Nara C; Photographer: neoracer
What do you look for when deciding to work with a photographer?
I first do research into the photographer. I look at the photographer’s website, Instagram and/or Model Mayhem to see what kind of photographer they are. I usually contact some of the models that they have worked with for safety reasons. Us models gotta stay safe!
Which models or other artists currently inspire you?
I would have to say, Heidi Klum. She’s so gorgeous and classy! I picture her to have such a nice, outgoing personality on top of being so beautiful. I strive to be the same.

Model: Nara C; Photographer: RonaldE
What would be your dream shoot?
My dream shoot is to be put in glamorous dresses in a very high-end venue. It makes me feel like a princess and I enjoy it so much!
How important is social media in your success?
Very important! I get a lot of jobs from my Instagram and recently I have been getting a few influencer gigs. Social media really helps with the exposure.

Model: Nara C; Photographer: Andrew Kenneth
What else do you like to do outside of modeling?
Eating. I LOVE FOOD! Especially Korean BBQ. Carbs are my weakness, but I try to be disciplined with that. I’m always on the lookout for the next great restaurant.
What’s the best career advice you give to new models?
Always be safe. Take your time to do the research and screen properly. Do as many jobs as you can in the beginning to build your portfolio but while you’re doing that, figure out what type of modeling you enjoy the most and concentrate on excelling in that category. Last but not least, have fun during your shoots!

Check out Nara C’s Model Mayhem portfolio to see more of her work. You can also follow Nara C on Instagram.
Model: Nara C

Dr. Ethan Russo: ‘CBD Is Amazingly Therapeutic’

Dr. Ethan Russo: “CBD is an incredibly versatile and safe drug. It’s not a miracle, but it is amazingly therapeutic for a wide variety of conditions.”
An expert in neurology and psychopharmacology who specializes in cannabinoid research, we asked Dr. Ethan Russo to answer the following questions about CBD and THC.

What are the main therapeutic effects of CBD?

CBD has somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 mechanisms of action. Fortunately, all of these seem to be beneficial. The main ones are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, anticonvulsant, antibiotic and anti-cancer.

What are the differences between CBD and THC?

In low doses, THC is analgesic, a muscle relaxant, anti-emetic, promotes sleep and is mood elevating. In high doses, it’s intoxicating and produces anxiety, rapid heart rate and even paranoia and orthostatic hypotension. On the other hand, in low-to-moderate doses, CBD is stimulating and anti-inflammatory and reduces anxiety and psychotic symptoms. It lacks THC’s side effects. CBD is an incredibly versatile and safe drug. It’s not a miracle, but it is amazingly therapeutic for a wide variety of conditions.

Is THC bad and CBD good, as some would have us believe?

Hardly. THC is a unique therapeutic agent that does not deserve the hysterical response that it evokes in politicians.

What are the differences between hemp-derived CBD and cannabis-derived CBD?

Hemp and cannabis are the same species. I believe that CBD extractions should derive from flowers of plants bred for CBD content, not from hemp refuse.

The World Health Organization is performing a critical review of CBD. Do you think WHO will recommend descheduling in its final report?

They should. CBD is nonintoxicating, produces no reinforcement, no craving and no withdrawal. In no manner does it qualify as a scheduled drug. It’s merely a case of guilt by association.

Do you expect the DEA to change CBD scheduling like it did recently with the FDA-approved Epidiolex?

I predict that CBD will remain in Schedule I as a forbidden substance unless Congress acts. The DEA may clamp down on unapproved sources of CBD unless public opinion sways Congress to intervene.

Some advocates want to see cannabis removed entirely from the schedule of controlled substances and treated more like willow bark and other herbs with traditional healing properties. Do you think that’s a pipe dream or a reasonable goal?

My opinion is that the government will do what it wants irrespective of what science says.

Where do you think cannabis medicine—CBD as well as non-CBD—will be in another 10 years?

That totally depends on whether rational policies allow proper development of cannabis-based medicines.